534, Des Éperviers
St-Lambert de Lauzon (Quebec)
Canada G0S 2W0
Telephones in season
418 690-4096
Telephones out of season
418 944-9764
Direction for Poulin de Courval
Easily accessible by ground without the use of a four wheel drive, we are a mere 90 minutes drive from Saguenay city.
Follow route 172 from Saguenay or from Tadoussac until intersection L-200 (Chemin Pelletier or Chemin de la Zec Martin-Valin) a few kilometers east of Saint-Fulgence.
The Poulin de Courval directions are very clearly indicated and getting there is very easy.
For those of you coming from the North Shore, you may choose the Labrieville route.
We are also well equipped to welcome float planes.